Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Thanks to Alicia Mickleson (a friend in my ward) I now make my own baby wipes. "What's that?" you ask, skeptical but intrigued. Yes, that's right, my own baby wipes. And though that may seem weird, strange, even a little granola of me, it will (according to calculations) save me about $100 a year. I love them, my picky sister loves them, my kids' bums love them. So here you are:

Tupperware (the size of half a paper towel roll)*
Bounty Paper Towel Roll**
2 Tbl Baby Shampoo
2 Tbl Baby Oil
2 Cups Water

1. Cut roll of Towels in half . Remove cardboard center.
2. In Tupperware combine water, shampoo, and oil.
3. Place cut towels in Tupperware. Seal, turn up-side-down, and let stand for 5-10 minutes.
4. Pull towel from center and use.

*I had trouble finding this so mine is 1/3 the size, thus I cut my paper towels into thirds.
** Mine are just the cheapest I found at Costco.


Jessie's Joy in Her Journey said...

these are great. I did find that they went a little musty smelling after a bit, so I put my water solution in a squirt bottle and ended up making some flannel wipes that I could wash and reuse. I made 24 4x8 inch rectangles. It's plenty. If I'm out, I just use the sink in the bathroom to wet with warm water and little soap or baby shampoo. Same deal and the wipes work great for dust cloths later when the baby is all potty trained.

Alexie said...

So it's been a couple months since i started doing these. I was a bit worried after Jessie's comment about turning musty, but I have to say I haven't had any problem with the wipes smelling at all. I do just make one batch at a time to go through and even fill up my little travel wipe packs with them. So i they work for you if you try them.